HTML5プロフェッショナル認定資格 レベル1 合格体験記: HTML5 Lv1 PASS! Tweet | |||
【受験日】 2020/12/20 【取得点】 76点 【何回目の受験か】 1回目 【学習期間】 1か月程度 【使用テキスト】 HTML5プロフェッショナル認定試験 レベル1 対策テキスト&問題集 【参考にしたサイト】 ping-t 【学習方法】 week1 - Read through textbook and understand basic concepts. week2-3 - Starting with small sections, get gold badge for all. week4 - Review pass mistakes and practice with exam mode. 【試験の感想】 Get 90% correct in exam mode before exam day. Everything will be fine. 【受験者へのアドバイス】 Start with small sections, to understand each of them correctly is the best way to study. Textbook is good when you wanna clearify certain concept. But google can be really helpful as well. I have some frontend experience, try to build a website once and everything would make more sense. 【次の目標】 Security+ |
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